Farm Gate Guide for Administrators

Modified on 2016/05/02 16:59 by Charles — Categorized as: Farm Gate

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Farm Gate Guide for Administrators

The Administrator Guide contains a number of sections:

CMS vs Jetfire

The Content Management System (CMS) is used to edit web pages, adding custom content to each page. Jetfire Web Parts deliver the web 2.0 enabled applications to the website. The CMS is used to add both Content-managed and Jetfire Web Parts to each page. CMS is separate from Jetfire to provide added security between managing content on the website and managing data for applications.

Jetfire is synonymous with FarmGate for the discussion of this application.

Editing pages in the Content Management System involves:
Editing Jetfire workflows means having purpose-built Web Parts that provide navigation and editing capabilities on the page. The Admin and Edit Profile pages provide the ability to edit Farm Gate objects on the page (provided that the user has the correct roles.)


The WebMaster has instant access to both CMS and FarmGate after logging into the Employee Login page. Business owners are (optionally) assigned a user id that provides them access to their business profile. Business users are allowed to edit their business profiles by logging into the Agri-Business login page.

WebMasters are assigned a CMS and Jetfire user ID. These should be setup as the same name and same password in the Create CMS User and Create FarmGate User Web Parts respectively. The Employee Login Web Part is configured so that the WebMaster is logged into CMS and Jetfire at the same time (using the same user name and password).

Business owners are only assigned a FarmGate user id.


Roles are available as CMS Roles and Jetfire Roles. The Administrator has a CMS 'Admin' role and a Jetfire 'Admin' role. This provides unlimited access to managing the website and Farm Gate application.

Each Business user can only edit their own business profile, because a specific role is assigned to their user login and business profile. Users can be easily configured to edit multiple business profiles.

Farm Gate Data Model

The Farm Gate application is developed in the Jetfire language. A data model in software engineering is an abstract model that describes how data are represented and accessed. Data models formally define data elements and relationships among data elements for a domain of interest.

The website is served by an ASP.NET application server located at a national ISP site. Farm Gate data is stored in an SQL Server 2008 database server located at a national ISP site.

Farm Gate Data Objects

In Jetfire, an object contains properties (also referred to as attributes), methods (also referred to as commands) and states. The Farm Gate data objects include:

Farm Gate User Interface Model

User Interface Modeling is a development technique used by computer application programmers. Today's User Interfaces (UIs) are complex software components, which play an essential role in the usability of an application.

The Farm Gate User interface is based on Microsoft ASP.NET Web Parts and Personalization. This allows the user to add multiple web parts to a page to create a customized views. Put multiple pages together to create a custom website.

Farm Gate Website

The Farm Gate website is composed of the following components: